New on Shopfront: October 2022

Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for October 2022. We’ve got a number of minor changes, a new feature for ILG customers.

November will come with a number of changes and will then slow down in December, instead having changes focused on reliability and performance.

Note: Some of these changes are gradually rolling out to stores, all stores are expected to have received them in the next couple of weeks.

Major Features

ILG Ordering

Ordering directly out of Shopfront to ILG has arrived! If you’ve got ILG integrated, you can start using it straight away. Simply head to Setup > Integrations and press the Settings button for the Independent Liquor Group integration and enable the Send ILG invoices setting.

Once enabled, whenever you press the Send button in Shopfront for an ILG order it will be automatically sent to the ILG warehouse, preventing the need for manually processing your order to ILG.

Minor Features

  • Customer group and price list columns added to the full customer export,
  • Improved how a number of pages look on small devices such as mobile phones,
  • Added returns to the product purchase history,
  • [Developer] Classification and supplier product assignment pages now trigger the PRODUCT_UPDATED webhook,
  • [Developer] Importing products from a CSV now triggers the PRODUCT_CREATED webhook,
  • [Developer] Importing customers from a CSV now triggers the CUSTOMER_CREATED webhook,
  • [Developer] Added new authentication method for the Embedded API,
  • [Developer] Sending orders to all suppliers now triggers the ORDER_SENT webhook for each order which gets created,
  • [ILG] Promotion names are now nicer,
  • [Xero] Credit notes for transferees now appear with the transferee set to the transferee’s name instead of Shopfront,
  • [ALM] Products which fail to send via i-orders due to not having a supplier code are now shown in the ALM log

Bug Fixes

  • Prevented empty menu categories from appearing due to having partial permissions,
  • Fixed normal price showing the discounted price when a receipt is reprinted from the sales history,
  • Adding a note to the register closure and then leaving and returning to the page no longer prevents you from submitting the register closure

New on Shopfront: September 2022

Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for September 2022. We’re rolling out a couple of major changes to stocktaking and price calculations to make your data even more accurate.

Note: Some of these changes are gradually rolling out to stores, all stores are expected to have received them in the next couple of weeks.

Major Features

Advanced Stocktake Confirmation

In order to clarify and guarantee correctness, Shopfront will now ask for confirmation on calculation of stock-on-hand when Shopfront cannot automatically determine the actual stock count with 100% accuracy.

Typically, these events occur when counting your stock live whilst doing sales, especially if stock is in multiple locations within your store.

If Shopfront believes any stock count may be incorrect, it will display the new confirmation screen after the stocktake is completed, but before the stocktake is applied.

You’ll still be able to view your variance and modify your stock count on the finalise screen before applying the stocktake.

Promotion and Price List Calculation taking into account country-specific price rules

Shopfront has introduced a new setting, Price Rounding Mode. This setting allows you to define how Shopfront should handle prices when the calculation would drop to more decimal places than the currency you sell in supports (e.g. price calculation would require three decimal places, but you sell only to two decimal places).

It features two options, Round and Redistribute. By default stores will run on Redistribute mode. For examples and further information, click on the question mark next to the setting in the General Setup.

Minor Features

  • Improved speed of Product Revision History Report,
  • Reduced the amount of times Shopfront accesses the hard drive when indexing to improve speed,
  • Added ID columns to sale reports,
  • Added new debug levels so less information is required to be logged unless specified,
  • Added ability to group by categories for inventory at date report,
  • [Developer] Unparking sales now fire a new SALE_UNPARKED webhook event

Bug Fixes

  • Prevented loyalty points appearing in sales reports when there is no customer attached to the sale,
  • Fixed colour of report dashboard pie graphs,
  • Prevented statements from displaying an Oh No page when no columns are enabled for the actions component,
  • Grouped user dashboard reports can now show and hide groupings,
  • Added ability to define advanced promotions as one or more when multiple criteria exist,
  • Gift Card creation source link is more precise for old sales,
  • Integrated payments which fail to reverse are no longer prevented from attempting to reverse again,
  • Deleting a product while the everyday tickets page is currently open (and the product is waiting to be printed) now shows a toast when you go to export the tickets

New on Shopfront: August 2022

Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for August 2022. We’ve got a large number of bug fixes and a couple of small features this month.

Note: Some of these changes are gradually rolling out to stores, all stores are expected to have received them in the next couple of weeks.

Minor Features

  • New sale key to increase the quantity of a product by the scanned barcode quantity,
  • Added ability to analyse all outlets when generating an order by reorder points,
  • Search indexing can now be customised to improve the memory usage and performance of the search, especially on lower-end devices or stores that contain 30,000+ customers or products

Bug Fixes

  • Generating an order by sales & reorder points while analysing all outlets no longer fails,
  • Adding a tag to products from the classifications page now correctly adds into the revision history,
  • Fixed some cost revisions not being used in inventory at date report,
  • Adding a gift card and a normal product to a sale which has a customer with a custom price list no longer creates a price calculation error,
  • Pressing next during the product creation wizard Which Product is it? step no longer skips the rest of the wizard because of a syntax error,
  • Times displayed in the product revision history miscellaneous report is now displayed in the local timezone instead of UTC,
  • Fixed formatting of PDF supplier orders,
  • Reports correctly calculate the sale total when running an unconsolidated product report when there were multiple lines of the same product on the sale (such as when performing sales with consolidate products turned off),
  • Prevented an error when receiving a Vendor Connection order when you don’t have a matching product,
  • Fixed a rounding issue when multiple loyalty point payment methods were added to a sale,
  • Prevented internally incrementing the gift card quantity through the use of the increment sale key,
  • Transfers received from a Vendor Connection can now create or associate temporary products,
  • Prevented a duplicate parked sale from appearing when unparking and parking the same sale while offline and the sync running before the sale could be uploaded,
  • Prevented negative values from being able to be entered into put cash in / take cash out dialogs through Manage Cash,
  • Shopfront no longer crashes when receiving a receipt event with no receipt text from an integrated EFTPOS provider,
  • [Linkly] MOTO with signature transactions no longer crash Shopfront when printing

New on Shopfront: 2022

Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for the year of 2022 all the way from January until August! It has been quite a while since one of these has been written, but we’ve been hard at work improving Shopfront.

Minor Features

  • Surcharging for Public Holidays,
  • Added additional information when an order is unable to be saved,
  • Pressing enter on the order reference dialog box closes the dialog,
  • Significantly improved everyday shelf ticket loading speed,
  • Added open transfers to the outstanding orders list,
  • Added ability to merge multiple suppliers together into a new supplier,
  • Images now upload into the media centre individually with a new UI to show upload progress,
  • Redesigned the location selector to be clearer to the user,
  • Added new product revision history miscellaneous report,
  • Added case price override discount option in the sell screen,
  • Added ability to search for customers on the customer balances page,
  • Sale keys and transaction panel can now be flipped on the sell screen,
  • Improved speed of finding sales through the sales history through a gift card number search,
  • Improved speed of closing the register,
  • [Shop MyLocal] Added confirmation dialog to barcode quantity field when an unusually high quantity is detected,
  • [Developer] Added webhook signatures to verify a webhook is from Shopfront

Bug Fixes

  • Prevented parked sale from deleting itself when recovered with a loyalty payment applied to it,
  • When the singular settings for “case” and “single” are set to a plural, saved reports no longer crash,
  • Loading a price list that has an override price item correctly displays the profit percentage when within an outlet and global cost is disabled,
  • Associating a product to itself on an order (when the product was created in a separate tab) no longer deletes the product,
  • Parking a refunded sale no longer results in a failed upload due to a missing refund reason,
  • “0” is no longer treated as “blank” when entered into the finalise sale calculator,
  • Dragging the scroll bar on a select list no longer closes the select panel after releasing the left mouse button,
  • Prevented payment methods from becoming disabled after exiting the refund reason prompt due to ESC key being pressed,
  • Adding a product to the sale when show product details is enabled no longer shows the toast “A product is currently adding to sale”,
  • Product sales summary now correctly shows all data even when there is a gap in times sold,
  • Modified product additional information now appears correctly in the revision history,
  • Prevented invoice number reuse after reloading a cancelled sale,
  • Adding a product to the sell screen from a sales key category while show product details setting is enabled now correctly shows the product details,
  • Inventory at Date export now shows the correct dates in the header,
  • Viewing a favourite report with a customer group now correctly shows that customer group’s name,
  • Reprinting a receipt that contains a deleted tax rate no longer prints a blank page,
  • Prevented the synchronisation from crashing when a sales key page contains no keys,
  • Saved large reports grouped by category (with products hidden) now correctly load all data,
  • Deleting a price set which is the default on a register now sets the register’s price set to be the default price set,
  • Prevented park sale error when a register has been deleted which had an outstanding parked sale,
  • Prevented an invoice number length of over 1 quintillion from crashing the sell screen,
  • Fixed missing toggles on the create order page,
  • Fixed single criteria spend $x get discount off the total worth $y promotion calculation,
  • Prevented products, suppliers, customers and customer groups from being modified while offline,
  • Prevented multiple open tabs from potentially running two separate unsynchronised sales,
  • [Shop MyLocal] The same sale can no longer be marked as sent multiple times before being removed from active orders,
  • [ILG] Prevented only the first 20 suppliers appearing in the settings,
  • [ILG] Prevented a saving error one one Outlet has the integration enabled and the other Outlet has it disabled,
  • [Linkly] Prevented a terminal error when the user’s name contains an ampersand

New on Shopfront: August 2021

Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for August 2021! It’s a light-on month for features and fixes with a large amount of development going towards large features coming out shortly.

Some of these features are still rolling out to stores and should become available within the next couple of weeks.

Minor Features

  • Added integration to Thirsty Camel’s Hump Club,
  • Added copy criteria button to the promotion edit page,
  • Rearranged a few tables in the security centre to look nicer on mobile devices

Bug Fixes

  • Prevented a gift card from being redeemed multiple times within the same sale,
  • When using the select all checkbox on the promotions page, we now validate that the promotions selected are for the current search, not a previous search (previously searching for “aug” would generate a search for “a”, “au” and then “aug” and could result in “aug” finishing before “a”),
  • Saving the register closure tags for a register will no longer remove the tags from other registers,
  • Importing customers via CSV now works as expected when specifying the customer_group_id column,
  • Reordered the promotional category dropdown on the promotion edit page to be alphabetical,
  • Revision history for price lists no longer show the fallback rule as an “unknown item”,
  • Prevented a race condition resulting in the customer display occasionally showing the previous sale when the cash drawer had to open to to a payment method requiring it,
  • Inventory for a previous date report can no longer be run for today’s date

Coming to Shopfront: 2021 (2nd Half)

Shopfront version 2 has had all stores on it for 18 months now and since then we’ve added a huge number of features, brand new and reimagined integrations, consistently improved the speed and improved reliability and now we’re ready to show you the next plans for Shopfront until the end of the year.

This should be used as a guide only, some features may end up with different functionality, be developed at a different time or completely dropped.

More information on each feature will be released closer to the individual feature’s release date.

eCommerce Store

Looking for another channel of sales? Shopfront’s currently building an eCommerce platform due for beta release shortly.

Fulfilment Interface

Alongside the eCommerce store, Shopfront is developing a new fulfilment interface which will allow any eCommerce store to easily send sales to Shopfront with the intention of them being fulfilled through the POS system (without having to develop their own user interface).

New Data Merges

Shopfront currently supports merging customers but will shortly be adding the highly requested functionality of merging suppliers and products.

Shopview & Enterprise Management

Managing stores on different domains? Want to run reports across multiple unconnected stores? Need a centralised source of truth for all of your stores?

That’s where Shopview comes in, Shopview is an external application that allows you to connect and manage multiple stores through a simple user interface.

Create advanced promotions to run across all of your stores, manage each stores product file in a centralised location, enforce policies across all stores and run reports on raw data fed from Shopfront.

New Integrations

We’re also constantly adding a number of new integrations into Shopfront (developed by both us and development partners). Recently we’ve added integrations to Thirsty Camel’s Hump Club and Milie ordering system, Myfoodlink has developed an integration to connect your Shopfront store through to their eCommerce platform and we’ve got a couple more new integrations coming this year including integrating with Zen Global’s loyalty system and upcoming integration with some delivery services.

Upcoming Changes to the Xero Integration

Update 17th of August 2021: These changes have been rolled out to all Vendors, if you’re experiencing any issues, please get in touch with us.

We’re making some adjustments to the way Shopfront interacts with Xero, for most people using the integration you should not notice any changes.

What Changes are Being Made

Currently, the Shopfront to Xero integration works by connecting one Shopfront Vendor (which could have multiple Outlets) to a single Xero account (and through that account to a single Xero tenant).

This change will allow you to connect each Shopfront Outlet to a different Xero tenant (which can be across different Xero accounts).

Through this change, you won’t be required to have the same settings for each Outlet (although, we do recommend it if they are connected to the same Xero tenant).

Alongside this, we’re also bringing a new coat of paint to the settings page, with built in help and a cleaner interface to make configuring and mapping the integration easier.

Why We’re Making the Change

Throughout the years, we’ve had a number of store owners request the ability to connect a different Xero tenant to each Outlet, however we’ve always had the same principle as Xero where one business should be one Shopfront Vendor. However, more and more stores are coming onto Shopfront that wish to share product files, see inventory across locations and more but also have multiple owners and account for each location separately.

When the Changes Will Happen

This change is currently being rolled out to all stores and should be completed by early next week.

What you Need to do

If you’re a Vendor with only a single Outlet, no changes will be required and your integration will continue to work as per-normal.

If you’re a Vendor with multiple Outlets, you might want to change to using our new multi-tenant support. If you do, all that you need to do is go to your Xero integration settings once the changes have been rolled out and change the configuration of each Outlet like you would currently do with all Outlets.

What About the MYOB Integration

Currently this change is exclusive to the Xero integration as there are significantly more uses of the Xero integration and the multi-tenant model of Xero makes it simple to connect multiple Outlets whereas MYOB’s company-file model is a bit more complex.

Whilst there are no current plans to make a similar change, we will consider doing so in the future.

New on Shopfront: June 2021

Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for June 2021! The end of the financial year brings a number of fixes and minor features.

Minor Features

  • Emailed customer statements now show as “from” as the Outlet name that you’re currently in,
  • First barcode is exported to the shelf tickets,
  • Updating a products case quantity on the edit page now edits the inventory once you leave the case quantity box rather than instantly

Bug Fixes

  • Reporting dashboard hover information is correctly coloured when in dark mode,
  • Removing the main (first) product image no longer removes all alternate images,
  • Pressing back after adding a customer when “Display All Products in Classification” sale key is open now correctly returns you to the sell screen,
  • Prevented promotions from activating / deactivating incorrectly due to the incorrect timezone being used when saved locally,
  • Removing the grouping from everyday tickets now correctly reverts to the no grouping order,
  • Price list revisions show percentage pricing rules as percentages rather than currency,
  • Exporting all products via the stock list when a large number of products exist in the store no longer hits the rate limiter

New on Shopfront: February 2021

Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for February 2021! We’ve got new ways to test promotions, a whole bunch of accounting integration improvements and more!

Upcoming Changes

Before getting on to the normal programming, we’re just giving you a heads up with a couple of upcoming changes.

During March we’re moving to a new mail provider to improve delivery time and reduce failed emails, because of this, we’re changing where emails come from that are sent from within Shopfront. Currently when you’re sending receipts to customers they’re from receipts@[your-subdomain] and statements are from statements@[your-subdomain]

This will now change to instead all come from [your-subdomain] You’ll also receive more emails from this email address which were previously coming from [email protected]. Nothing is required on your side with these changes, however we thought we’d give you a heads-up in case you have any email rules setup for Shopfront emails.

The second major upcoming feature which is already rolling out is our new authentication for integrations. Previously when you approved an integration they essentially acted as you and received all of the same permissions as you. This worked fairly well, however it lead to not knowing exactly what each integration would be doing and meant that integrations would be affected when your permissions were changed.

Instead, integrations will now specify which permissions they require and when authenticated they’ll be created as an internal user within your POS system (which will automatically be removed if you revoke the integration). This leads to more transparency with what integrations are doing and prevents integrations from losing access to some features due to permission changes. When authenticating the integration, you’ll now be required to use a user who has the modify_integrations permission (same as before), but also all of the permissions the integration is requiring.

Major Features

Promotion Simulator

Want to test out a promotion before it has started or need to test it out on a non-register? Now you can with the promotion simulator. Simply edit a promotion, enable the promotion simulator in the bottom right-hand corner and add the products you want to test.

Dark Mode

Currently in beta, dark mode is now available for all stores. You can enable the dark mode by going to the Menu > Setup > General > Registers, select the register you want to enable the setting for and then change the dark mode setting to one of Force Light Mode (default), Force Dark Mode or Auto (this will use your operating system setting to determine whether to display Shopfront in dark or light mode).

We’re still improving how it looks on each page, but it should be ready to use in the vast majority of places.

Import Gift Cards

Have some gift cards to create without selling them? Now you can import gift cards directly from a CSV file. Head over to the Menu > Customer Management > Gift Cards > Functions > Import Gift Cards to get started, you’ll need a CSV ready with the following columns:

  • code,
  • balance,
  • original (optional),
  • outlet (for multi-store vendors)

Alongside importing gift cards, we’ve also added the ability to see where the gift card was created from with the new creation source column on the gift card page, this will specify whether it came from a sale, a file import or from an integration.

Minor Features

  • Sales order references now appear on customer statements in the “reference” column,
  • Added default statement template when creating a new statement,
  • The products contained within a basket and the parents of products have been added to the product view page,
  • Added a filter box to the trashed items page,
  • Refund amount is now displayed in a dialog after the refund is completed to ensure the refund is provided to customers,
  • Price calculation has been moved to a dedicated worker thread to prevent the price calculation from freezing the UI on complex long-running calculations,
  • Cross promotion count will now automatically turn on when a promotion takes longer than 400ms to calculate with cross promotion count disabled,
  • Added a new option to customer groups to automatically print parked sales receipts,
  • Added a new action report type, modified sales,
  • Added a new permission, “See Only Recent Register Closures” which allows users with the permission to see register closures which have been closed within the last 12 hours and by that user,
  • [MYOB / Xero] Transfers between stores can now be sent to the accounting integrations,
  • [MYOB / Xero] Transfers to transferees can now be sent to the accounting integrations,
  • [MYOB / Xero] Vendor connection orders are now sent to accounting integrations,
  • [MYOB / Xero] Added a toggle to specify whether COGS should be sent as inclusive or exclusive of tax,
  • [MYOB / Xero] Can now clear the supplier and customer mappings from the account integration setting pages,
  • [MYOB] Forced all register closures to work through a queue to prevent duplicates due to MYOB’s API timing out but still succeeding,
  • [Shop MyLocal] Barcode files are no longer directly downloaded, but instead emailed directly to Metcash from Shopfront,
  • [OnTap Data] Added new integration with OnTap Data,
  • [Developer] searchSale GraphQL route has been removed as per deprecation policy,
  • [Developer] getIntegration GraphQL route has been removed as per deprecation policy,
  • [Developer] product.usePriceLabel GraphQL field has been removed as per deprecation policy,
  • [Developer] GraphQL field has been removed as per deprecation policy,
  • [Developer] paymentMethod.denominations GraphQL field has been removed as per deprecation policy,
  • [Developer] Scopes can now be requested when authenticating an integration, allowing you to specify which permissions your integration will require (and prevent your application from losing the permissions)

Bug Fixes

  • Printing a parked sale receipt from the parked sale sell screen options while another sale receipt is visible on the screen no longer results in two receipts being printed,
  • Import products from CSV is no longer missing the first row in the preview,
  • Merging customers without specifying their birthday no longer results in their birthday being the current date,
  • Adding and removing shortcuts to the user’s quick menu is now more reliable,
  • Customer price lists are now correctly updated when only the product details are modified,
  • The current classification no longer displays in the assign classification page search box,
  • The customer payment screen now correctly displays the customer’s credit terms when using a date format that is not YYYY-MM-DD,
  • Fixed drag-and-drop importers from now accepting CSV files on Windows due to Windows providing an incorrect MIME type,
  • Prevented refund reason from appearing multiple times for a single transaction,
  • Changing a price list from cost + % to last cost + % when the percentage amount is zero no longer results in an error appearing,
  • Prevented banner group promotions from reactivating deleted promotions when resent from the banner group source,
  • Prevented numbers with commas in them from being pasted into the currency text boxes,
  • [Shop MyLocal] Promotions that have concluded / started now correctly send product updates to prevent incorrect price from appearing on Shop MyLocal

New on Shopfront: January 2021

Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for January 2021! We’ve got a whole heap of changes that have been released this month due to holding the feature releases from last month.

Note: Some of these features are gradually rolling out to stores, all stores are expected to have received them by the end of next week.

Major Features

Clone Promotions

If you want to create a similar promotion to an already existing promotion without having to enter all the details back in, we’ve now made it simple by adding the ability to clone a promotion. Simply tick a single promotion on the promotions page and then press the Clone Promotion button which appears at the bottom. This will create an exact copy of the promotion with the name having (Copy) appended to it.

The ability to clone promotional criteria within a promotion will be coming later this year.

Exclude Promotional Categories From Sending Promotions to Integrations

If you’re integrated with an eCommerce store, whether it be your own custom store, the LMG eCommerce stores or Shop MyLocal you can now prevent some promotions from sending to it by excluding a promotional category from sending to the API.

To enable or disable sending promotions to integrations, you’ll need to go to the promotion categories page (Menu > Setup > Promotion Categories), from here you can either create a new promotion and enable or disable the Send promotions within this category to integrations toggle or if you want to edit an existing category, select Edit next to the category and then enable / disable the Include in Integrations toggle.

Note, custom API integrations can access and apply promotions directly so disabling this setting may not affect promotions appearing on your site – if you have any questions, contact your web developer. For web developers, this toggle directly affects the results of ProductType > barcodes > promotionPrice and outletPromotionPrice in the GraphQL API.

Filtering by Additional Information

Shopfront has always had the ability to add additional information to products which has previously been used to add information to your integrated website or to display on shelf tickets, however it didn’t have much use within Shopfront itself, now you’re able to use your additional information to help your staff find product through a combination of filters.

Firstly, you’re going to need to setup some additional information, and then add it to some products (which can be done at the bottom of the product edit page).

Once you’ve setup your additional information there are two places you can filter by it, the products page and the sell screen through a sales key.

To filter on the products page, simply open the page (Menu > Stock > Products), press Show Filters and then type or select which value you’d like to filter by and the products will be automatically filtered.

To filter on the sell screen via a sales key, you’ll first need to add the Search by additional information sale key, then on the sell screen tap the new key, select the field and then enter a value.

Customer Merge

Introducing the much requested feature, customer merging, this is the first is a series of releases we’ll be doing this year to allow merging between multiple objects (merging products will come out later this year). Performing a customer merge allows you to combine multiple customer’s details, sales, payments and more into a single customer.

It’s a slightly complex feature, so we’d suggest checking out our help article to learn how to use it.

Minimum / Maximum Order Values

If you want to prevent ordering from a supplier if the order doesn’t meet a minimum value or exceeds a maximum value, you can now set these values directly on the supplier edit page.

This doesn’t affect order generation in any way, but it will prevent orders from being sent if they’re outside the range specified (you can leave the value blank to ignore it).

Limit Reorder Quantity

Alongside minimum and maximum order values, we’ve also added the ability to limit the reorder quantity when generating orders from sales or reorder points (or both). This doesn’t prevent orders from sending with higher quantities, but it prevents Shopfront from suggesting higher quantities.

Minor Features

  • Basket products have been reworked to be consistent throughout Shopfront, now inventory changes through stocktakes, invoices and transfers all affect the stock within the basket,
  • Deleting a family via the classifications page now removes the classification instantly on the local device instead of waiting for a sync,
  • Recovering a family from the trash now instantly restores the family on the local device instead of waiting for a sync,
  • Inventory reports can now be grouped by Outlet,
  • We’ve limited the sales history to the last 30 days by default to improve initial load time,
  • The gift card code used to pay for a sale is now displayed in the sales history,
  • Receipts can now display the base price per-line before discounts and savings are applied,
  • Prevented blur on focus loss from appearing when an integrated payment method is used to prevent the focus loss screen from appearing when Linkly is used,
  • Automatically received promotions from a banner group are now automatically deleted 14 days after the promotion ends,
  • Unallocated customer payments now appear in sales payment reports,
  • All routes are now lazy loaded to improve performance,
  • Adding a classification to the everyday tickets now requests whether all products should be added or only products in stock should be added,
  • You’ll now receive a notification when an email fails to send,
  • Order references can now be added as a column to the sales reports when they’re unconsolidated,
  • Large index buttons (Stock > More, Shelf Tickets, Miscellaneous Reports) can now be opened in new tabs,
  • Purchase and transfer reports can now be filtered by vendor connections,
  • Opened mail now appears in the mail log (presuming the receiver has images enabled),
  • We’ve extended the number of supported decimal places when receiving invoices to five,
  • [Shop MyLocal] Promotional prices are now sent on a per-outlet basis instead of the best promotional price for the Vendor,
  • [Developer] Reports from the Reporting API can now be cached, this has also been applied to numerous pages in the POS

Bug Fixes

  • Reloading an EFTPOS gift card product from a parked or cancelled sale now correctly goes through the EFTPOS refund flow,
  • Failed payment methods with open cash drawer no longer open the cash drawer when the sale is completed,
  • Applying a force sync from the server (e.g. when the settings are updated) and having an outstanding upload no longer causes a race condition resulting in the register closure being incorrect for the current register period,
  • Numerous display issues have been fixed in multiple screens such as the product edit screen and the sales history screen,
  • Tethered objects (like the calendar) no longer appear above the login screen,
  • Large PDFs (8mb+) now correctly email and download,
  • Shelf tickets added to the everyday tickets while in global mode now correctly save on the server,
  • Shelf tickets exported with an additional information field of type date no longer fail to export,
  • The touch numbers no longer appear over the discount reason box,
  • Dropdown lists correctly close when clicking between them in the reports,
  • Prevented promotions having mix criteria enabled and a criteria being set to more than,
  • Products bulk created from the master database now create an initial inventory log entry,
  • Invalid gTLD emails now appear as failed in the mail log instead of resulting in a failed upload,
  • Reloading a parked sale which contains a nested component (package > package > component) no longer results in the sell screen showing an error,
  • [Linkly] ANZ terminals no longer show transaction not allowed for cashout without a sale,
  • [Linkly] Performing a sale while a settlement is currently performing no longer locks the integration dialog box,
  • [Linkly] Sending a cancel request when an OK response is expected now correctly sends the cancel request,
  • [Tyro] Going through the cancel sale multiple times over multiple payment attempts no longer causes Shopfront to cancel the payment without cancelling the payment on the terminal,
  • [Linkly / Tyro] Integrated EFTPOS transactions now apply to the sale with the value returned from the terminal instead of the amount sent to the terminal,
  • [ALM] Sending products with a variable case quantity (10-packs, cubes, etc) and have eight digit codes now correctly send to the ALM portal with the corrected quantities,
  • [Developer] Sell screen options no longer flicker when swapping between tabs